one group
many posibilities
many posibilities

metal technology group ad

We are a leader in the production of cast and machined parts
MTG is a corporate group consolidating Bulgarian foundries, specialized in production of different type of castings. Each member company has its own specific knowledge and production technology. The group was established in 1997, however, before this time, all of the foundries have had their own separate and independent activities. During the years of privatization of the metallurgical sector in Bulgaria, they were privatized and became part of the holding group.
The activities of the company extend on 5 continents and the company has customers in more than 25 countries. The number of employees (Head Office and production sites) is about 560.
The activities of the company extend on 5 continents and the company has customers in more than 25 countries. The number of employees (Head Office and production sites) is about 560.
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